One of the best features about Box Out is you! Your ingenuity in taking a template and repurposing it for your needs is exactly how we designed the platform. Even though template customization is always on our mind, we are continually amazed by the creative ways you use Box Out.
One of our goals is to reduce the time it takes for you to select and create a beautiful graphic. To that end, we suggest typical uses for templates by putting them in categories based on how you may want to use them β Gameday, Score Update, and Player Spotlight to name a few.
Though a template may be categorized as Gameday, in no way do we stop you from using it however you like. We thought showing an example of how one of our templates can be used for many different purposes might inspire, so if you are looking for some inspiration, look no more.
Use #1: Gameday
Below is a template named Rolling Title (within the Gameday category). We suggest using it for Gameday graphics, but with a few tweaks you can use it for far more. Here is an example using it to highlight the opponent, as well as game day information (time, date, location).

Use #2: Announcing Big Plays
This same template can be used for announcing big plays or special events. By not selecting an opponent, the template will automatically center your logo (neat huh?). Then, you can utilize the Headline and Game Info text fields to create a call to action that can be very specific to your overall needs.

Use #3: Score Update
If you're looking for more options to post or update the score, you can choose your opponent, type the score within the Headline field and use the Game Info field to provide post-game thoughts (South Carolina Wins) or the status of the game (Bottom of the Fifth Inning). This gives you another creative solution for in-game and post-game updates.

Use #4: Player Spotlight
If you are wanting to highlight a specific student-athlete, you can easily type their name and stat line within either text area. This can be used for Conference Player of the Week honors, recapping a players' career-best, etc.

One template four ways. Now that is some creative cooking! By using the many different templates we have to offer, with the small tweaks we outlined above, your options are endless, but not overwhelming.
How are you using your Box Out templates? Tweet or tag us at @boxoutsports or send an email to with examples.