Get Ready for Camp

Are you ready to take your camps to another level? We're thrilled to introduce our brand new collection of templates, designed to make your programs stand out and attract both campers and elite student-athletes like never before.

Camp (Standard)

Camp (Standard)

Camp (Premium)

Camp (Premium) with cutout photo

Camp Logo Graphic

We also included a template to create your own camp logo. For the sports icon you can simply search our database to find the sport you'd like to include in your logo. We can take these icons and pair them to your color schemes so your brand stays consistent!

Camp Logo

Looking for more? Try some of our new releases.

Birthday Graphics

Create your own Transparent Logos and Lockups

Flex Blur Graphics

New Gameday Graphics

Sportfolio Designer Series 

Ticket Templates that Pack a Punch

Liquid Metal Series

Baseball and Softball Graphics

Get Whisked Away in this New Designer Series