A great feature with Box Out is the ability to create team pages, but adding templates to each team one-by-one can sometimes get time consuming.
Since we're all about speed, we've developed a new feature which gives you the ability to add templates to multiple team pages simultaneously.
Here's how it works:
First click on your TEMPLATES tab and choose a folder or graphic you'd like to add.

Second, you'll now notice a dropdown menu on the ADD TEMPLATE button. This will give you two options: 1.) Add to that specific team page or 2.) Add to multiple teams.

Lastly, if you select Add to Multiple Teams you'll be prompted to choose which pages you'd like to add this graphic.

If you've already added a template to this page and wish to add it to more team pages you'll be able to click MANAGE where you'll be prompted to:
1.) Remove the template from that team page
2.) Add to multiple teams or
3.) Remove from multiple teams.

We hope you enjoy this new feature from Box Out to quickly add templates to all of your team pages.
In Case You Missed It: