The Art Deco Designer Series Arrives

Keeping you ahead of design trends is one thing we always strive for and this new designer series does just that.

Art deco design is a timeless classic and quickly becoming more popular and as a result, we are releasing our new designer series of templates that utilize this geometric, bold, stylized look.


Score (landscape)
Score (multi-format)

Player Stats

Player Stats (landscape)
Player Stats (multi-format)


Gameday Tune-In (landscape)
Gameday/Tune-In (multi-format)

Quote/Open Text

Perfect for a quote or just text to put information in.

Quote (landscape)
Quote (multi-format)

Basketball Lineup

With basketball season on the horizon we've released a new lineup template to highlight up to 5 players.

Lineup (landscape)
Lineup (multi-format)

You can also add in a player headshot to have displayed by the name.

Lineup (player head shots)

Show us how you'll be using these new art deco templates by tagging us @BoxOutSports.

Looking for more? Check out our previous designer series drops:

#1 - The Modular Series

#2 - The Diamond Series

#3 - The Trading Card Series

#4 - The Polaroid Series