Featuring Multiple Players

So many times throughout the year, you'll run into times where you need to feature multiple athletes. Whether it's for conference honors, award watchlists, players of the week, or any other reason, we've got you covered. Box Out has several options to feature multiple athletes, and we are adding even more. Our new multi-player feature allows you to feature up to eight athletes at once.  

The multi-player feature graphic allows up to 8 players 

We also have options to display a smaller number of athletes with a little bit more information, like our motion multi-player feature (also available in a still graphic).

But there can be times where you have so many players to feature that getting their names and headshots into a single graphic can be tricky.  In those instances, a great option is to use a lineup or standings graphic to make a list of your athletes and use a group photo to tell their story all together.  

As your needs continue to change, we're committed to adding new graphics and features to make sure that your student athletes can get the recognition they deserve on all of your platforms.